Since my last post, I’ve had approximately 107 bottles of wine from my own cellar (not to mention wine from other people), and approximately 500 meals. Surprising that I haven’t been able to find anything to write about any of that. Actually, that isn’t true, but life always seems to get in the way of writing about life. And with Twitter and Facebook, it’s much easier to write a quick blurb (especially when it’s automatically generated like with CellarTracker!) than to sit down, log in, and blather on.
This summer has been great. We got home from London with the intent to spend most if not all of the summer here, and we have done so (except for a couple trips back that I’ve made for business). We upgraded a bunch of stuff in the kitchen–new pans, new dishes, new silverware, new appliances–and I’ve been using all of it a lot (again, I’d rather use it all than write about simply having it). I have been really impacted by Michael Pollan’s books “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food”. Our main goals have been to read labels and make decisions based on what is in the food (we haven’t completely cut out processed food, which would be nearly impossible to do in this day and age). High Fructose Corn Syrup is verboten, and partially hydrogenated oils are avoided as well. With a little bit of poking around, it isn’t that hard to find acceptable foods without these ingredients. In addition, we have been making more from scratch–mayonnaise, bread, desserts–and it has been a lot of fun and quite tasty.
My hope is to make this a bit more of a regular update, sharing the stuff we’re working on food-wise, as well as the tools that make things much easier!